Vemma Honored with Two Wins in the 2012 American Package Design Awards
Vemma Bod•e and Verve were selected as winners in this prestigious awards competition recognizing the best in American packaging.
- April 10, 2012
- Print Pitch
Scottsdale, AZ – Vemma Nutrition Company has been honored with two American Package Design Awards in the 2012 competition presented by Graphic Design USA. Vemma Bod•e was recognized in the Food and Beverages category and Verve was recognized in the Health and Beauty category. Both are competitive categories in this prestegious competition featuring some of America’s favorite brands including: Coca-Cola®, Disney®, Kellogg®, Kimberly-Clark®, Kraft®, Lipton®, Pfizer®, Sephora®, Target®, Sprint®, Unilever® and many other leading companies.
Graphic Design USA has sponsored national design competitions for over five decades, spotlighting excellence amongst creative professionals. This year’s American Package Design entries were the highest ever, including nearly 2,000 submissions from which only a couple hundred were selected as winners.
The winning Vemma designs are featured in the March issue ofGraphic Design USA and can also be found on their website.
Mark Patterson, Vice President of Marketing and Brand Development commented, "The quality of our products is of utmost importance to everyone here at Vemma, and that expectation of outstanding quality extends to the branding and packaging design. I am so proud of the Vemma Branding Team and congratulate them for their outstanding work which is being recognized among the finest graphic design in the country.”
斯科茨代爾,AZ -維瑪營養公司已授予兩名美國包裝設計獎,美國平面設計提出的2012年競爭。維瑪BOD•E是公認的在食品和飲料類和神韻,在公認的保健及美容產品類別。都是競爭力的類別在此prestegious競爭中具有美國最喜愛的品牌的一些包括:金佰利®®迪斯尼®可口可樂,凱洛格®卡夫®,立頓®,輝瑞®,絲芙蘭®,目標®,SPRINT®,聯合利華®和其他許多領先的公司。